Friday, August 24, 2012

GNOME 3 Stupidity

FFS can somebody already fork this stuff away from the people so enamored with giving me a shitty tablet experience on my primary development workstation already?

Seriously. I wonder why I have any faith what-so-ever left in the Linux desktop experience not going entirely to shit over the next few years.

On a dual head display of Fedora 17 (double 1900x1200) I get this scroll bar and a footprint usage of the system panel on < 1/4 of one display.

Add to this, the fact that I don't have nor ever will own an over-priced Wacom Graphics Tablet and this desktop does not have Bluetooth.

Frankly, this is pure genius.

Then there is today's minor gripe, the fact that the notify area is forced to the bottom of one display, nicely taking up real estate on my primary display of course.

Why not add the current randomization of the full-screen location? Whenever I full-screen an app, it seems to be a mystery as to which display it's going to go fullscreen on at any particular time, and certainly not the display the app is currently situated.

If the developers of GNOME 3 and the integration people of Fedora are trying to keep me entertained annoyed while they continue to pilot the Linux GUI experience into the future down the toilet, they are doing a good job.