Monday, December 19, 2011

Sabayon Linux

I started running Sabayon linux on a couple of boxes over 3 months ago and despite the potential, I've become very disillusioned and will just go back to running straight Gentoo.


equo install avr-g++ doesn't exist. equo install arduino fails as a result. if I wanted to build the crosstools, I would just do that. what's the point of this bin rolling distro again?

some really stupid stuff got pushed out and I had to do some serious fixing that should not have been necessary with a modicum of testing. i recall my X breaking,

not being able to boot into single with a simple "single" or "1" as a kernel parameter. seriously? why did I need to google this?

there are a lot more issues, I'll write them here when I remember then
sometime after I install Gentoo on this non-production laptop